Queremos felicitar a nuestras alumnas Mª Victoria Arias y Julia Domínguez por los resultados sobresalientes obtenidos en el examen oficial PET (B1) de la Universidad de Cambridge, llegando a niveles de FCE (B2).
Estamos orgullosos de nuestro alumnado y docentes tan implicados y entusiastas con los idiomas, que sirven de ejemplo a los demás.
Congratulations to Mª Victoria Arias y Julia Domínguez for their magnificent results in the PET for schools (B1) oficial University of Cambridge.
Not only have the passed with flying colours but also managed to obtain the equivalent of the next level, known as First Certificate (B2).
As a school we feel proud to have students and teachers who have always shown enthusiasm and willingness to excel in this subject and hope that their success will lead others to follow in their footsteps.